Remembering Al Reinert and 'For All Mankind,' the Precursor to 'Apollo 11'

Posted March 8, 2019

External Article: The New Yorker

Gregory Zinman, an assistant professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology School of Literature, Media, and Communication, recently wrote an article entitled “Remembering Al Reinert and 'For All Mankind,' the Precursor to 'Apollo 11'” for The New Yorker.

Here's an excerpt:

Viewers still coming back down to Earth after watching “Apollo 11,” Todd Douglas Miller’s new documentary about the spaceflight that first landed men on the moon, might overlook the dedication line in the film’s credits: “For Al and Theo.” “Theo” refers to Theo Kamecke, the director of the nasa-commissioned documentary “Moonwalk One,” from 1972, whose leftover Todd-AO 70-mm. reels of spectators watching the mission launch provided key visual elements for “Apollo 11.” Kamecke died, in 2017, at the age of seventy-nine. “Al” refers to Al Reinert, the director of “For All Mankind,” from 1989, a kaleidoscopic assemblage of Apollo-mission footage narrated by thirteen of the twenty-four astronauts involved.

Read the full story here.

The School of Literature, Media, and Communication is a unit of the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts.

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