Featured Student: Nahiza Haque

Nahiza Haque


Hi, my name is Nahiza Haque! I am a 3rd-year Literature, Media, and Communication major. Art has always been very important to me, so I wanted to pick a major that still allows me to be creative. I knew I wanted to go into graphic design when I saw how much detail and thought goes into a graphic when I first took a class in high school. The LMC classes have allowed me to explore new artistic skills. In LMC 3404 I was encouraged to look into stop motion animation on Photoshop and Procreate. Since then, I’ve been making short animations which I have been posting on my Instagram and for other class projects. LMC students and the professors are always trying to uplift each other which is helpful when you’re trying new things not in your comfort zone. 



Class Projects

Blurb / Gallery Set

Tulip Gif

Lost Girl Gif


Mark Leibert - LMC 3402

About Project

For the Quaranzine magazine,  I worked on making the art for the section on loss. The Lost Girl Gif is an animation of a woman with a mask revealing the void left from loss which was for the section’s cover. The Tulip Gif is an animation for my own piece on losing my granduncle because of COVID-19. He loved gardening and the tulip was the last plant he planted.

Finished Product

Quaranzine Magazine

Personal Projects: Instagram Series

Desi Women with Supernatural Abilities

Photography and Graphics

Terminator Audrey